Special issue dedicated to acad. Cristofor I. Simionescu (1920-2007) – 10 years since his passing away »HORIA-NICOLAI TEODORESCU, Glimpses of memory – Academician Cristofor I. Simionescu (Editorial) »VALENTIN I. POPA, Academician Cristofor I. Simionescu – founder of the Romanian school of natural and synthetic polymers »MARIANA IGNAT and LAURA MOCANU, A Brief History of the Library of the Romanian Academy, Branch of Iași »Cristofor Simionescu, The way we remember him, a volume coordinated by Bogdana Simionescu (Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 2017, București, ISBN 978-973-27-2837-6, 125 pages). A subjective review (CRISTINA IRIMIA) CHEMISTRY »DANIELA AILINCAI, MANUELA IFTIME and LUMINITA MARIN, Chitosan-based hydrogels. From classic to dynamic materials »ANDREI BEJAN and LUMINITA MARIN, Phenothiazine-based dyes in solar cell technology COMPUTER SCIENCE »DAN CRISTEA, DANIELA GÎFU, MIHAI-ALEX MORUZ, MIHAELA ONOFREI, LAURA PISTOL, LIVIU-ANDREI SCUTELNICU and SPERANȚA-CECILIA BOLEA, An insight into the corpus of contemporary Romanian »MIRONELA PÎRNĂU, Considerations on preventing social engineering over the internet ELECTRONICS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING »VICTOR GRIGORAȘ and CARMEN GRIGORAȘ, Discrete-time biomedical signal encryption »Obituary (Lotfi A. Zadeh) » BOOK REVIEWS